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When running the create-plugin command, the following prompts appear:

What is the name of your plugin?

Enter the name of your plugin. This helps to identify its purpose.

What is the organization name of your plugin?

Enter the name of your organization. This is normally your Grafana account username which Grafana uses to help uniquely identify your plugin.

How would you describe your plugin?

Give your plugin a description. This helps users more easily understand what it does when Grafana distributes the plugin.

What type of plugin would you like?

Select from the following choices:

  • app: Create a custom out-of-the-box monitoring experience.
  • datasource: Add support for new databases or external APIs.
  • panel: Add new visualizations to dashboards.
  • scenesapp: Create Scenes applications or Scenes plugins. For more information on how Scenes allows you to create dashboard-like experiences in app plugins, see Scenes.

To learn more about the types of plugins, refer to the plugin management guidelines. To learn more about scenes, refer to the Scenes documentation.

Do you want a backend part of your plugin?

App and data source plugins can have a backend component written in Go. Backend plugins offer powerful features such as:

  • Enable Grafana Alerting for data sources.
  • Connect to non-HTTP services to which a browser normally can’t connect. For example, SQL database servers.
  • Keep state between users. For example, query caching for data sources.
  • Use custom authentication methods and/or authorization checks that aren’t supported in Grafana.
  • Use a custom data source request proxy. To learn more, refer to Backend developer resources.

Do you want to add GitHub CI and Release workflows?

Add GitHub workflows to your development cycle to help catch issues early or release your plugin to the community.

Do you want to add a GitHub workflow to automatically check Grafana API compatibility on PRs?

Add a GitHub workflow to regularly check that your plugin is compatible with the latest version of Grafana.